Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Yoga Poses for Flexibility, 16 Most Effective Asanas!

Flexibility has many health benefits, including healing aches and pains, helping with balance, and injury prevention.  Stretching the muscles can also help relieve tension and stress, which can cause all sorts of problems, including weight gain.

These yoga poses for flexibility are broken down into 3 categories: Hamstrings, Hips, and Back
They are also listed in order of difficulty, with the easiest and lightest stretches first.  Pick an area to work on, and start from the top!
This is also important, because you will increase your flexibility the quickest when the body is properly warmed up first.
In other words, don’t jump right into a 30 second stretch on a really tight muscle.  Work your way into stretching the muscle by doing other, lighter stretches first.
Try to hold each pose for at least 30 seconds.  Some will need to be repeated on the other side of the body as well.
If you’re looking to take your flexibility to the next level, work up to holding each pose for at least 1 minute.
It’s also a good idea to set certain days of the week to work on certain muscle groups.  It can be difficult and overwhelming to try to work on all 3 of these muscle groups every single day. You will likely end up not giving enough attention to any of them.
Try performing the yoga poses for flexibility for each muscle group at least twice per week if you are looking to increase your flexibility fast!

16 Yoga Poses for Flexibility


There are a lot of “bends” in these yoga poses for flexibility.  They are by far the most effective stretches for increasing flexibility in the hamstrings.
If you begin to get bored practicing them over and over, we suggest you catch up on your favorite TV show to distract you.  It’s a great way to get your stretches in and not feel bored or have excuses to skip them!
downward facing dog yoga pose for flexibility

Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This is a great pose to start with, because it helps to open up the legs, shoulders, and chest before you get into some of the deeper stretches.
The most important part of this pose is keeping the back straight.  Try practicing it in front of a mirror, and you will likely notice that your lower back is bending.
As you practice this pose more and increase the flexibility in your legs, ankles, and hamstrings, you will notice that your back will flatten out over time.
Ground your palms into your mat, and bring the head in a little closer to the knees to increase the stretch in your shoulders and chest.
It also helps to “pedal” the feet in this pose, meaning bringing one foot up on the toes at a time while the other is flat on the ground (a pedaling motion).
Hold for 30 seconds.
head to knee pose for flexibility

Head-to-Knee Forward Bend (Janu Sirsasana)

This poses is a very important pose on the list of yoga poses for flexibility.
Depending on your natural flexibility, you may or may not be able to even touch your feet.  Don’t worry if you can’t! If you practice these hamstring stretches 2-3 times per week, you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly that will change!
In any case, reach as far as you can or use a yoga strap until you can reach your toes.
Keep the back straight and flat in this pose, because it will increase the stretch in the hamstrings.  Try to avoid hunching over.
Hold for 30 seconds.  Repeat on the other side.
seated forward bend yoga pose for flexibility

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

This is the same concept as the pose above except with both feet in front of you.
This can also be done from a standing position, and you should try both after you try the standing half forward bend (farther down this list).
Again, keep the back as straight as possible when you are leaning forward.
It’s more effective to lean forward at the hips rather than at the waist, which leads to hunching over and a lighter stretch.
wide angle seated forward bend for flexibility

Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend (Upavistha Konasana)

Spread your legs as wide as you can while still keeping them straight.  Place your hands on the ground in front of you, and begin to lean forward at your HIPS, not your waist.
When you lean forward at your waist, you will end up hunching your back.  Keep your back as straight as possible.
This will result in you not getting as “far” as you would if your back was hunched but keeping a straight back is the proper form and will be more effective in stretching the muscles to increase flexibility.
This pose can be more effective as an assisted stretch if you have someone that can put a little pressure on your back for you.

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